Welcome to the CamBIUM Project!

‘Camden Borough i-Tree Urban Mensuration’

Interested in joining the surveying team?
Find out more below…
We plan to survey 200 plots across the London Borough of Camden this summer, and we need your help…

Undertaking this survey will help us answer questions such as:

  • How many trees do we have?
  • How many trees are privately owned?  How many are publicly owned?
  • Which species of tree do we already have?
  • What age are our trees?
  • Do we have more young trees than mature trees?
  • How healthy are our trees?  Do we have any concerns regarding pests and diseases?


Being able to answer these questions will help the tree team in Camden to make better decisions about how we look after our trees, and to fully understand the benefits that trees provide to our environment and to our community.

What will the surveying involve?

A ‘plot’ is a circle-shaped area of land which is always the same size.  It is within these circular areas of land that we will take measurements and make observations.

Surveying is always carried out in groups of 2-3 people; we will help group people together at the training day.

We will provide all of the tree surveying equipment, and talk you through what to bring with you when you go out surveying e.g. suitable clothing for working outdoors in all weather, food and refreshments you need for the time you are going to be out surveying, and a mobile phone.

The survey season will take place between June and September and timing is flexible.  You can decide when to do the fieldwork and for how long to survey your plots.

We will provide full training and equipment for all volunteers.

Training sessions will take place on Wednesday 5th June 2024, and on an additional date to be confirmed.

We would welcome anyone to join, with or without previous experience.

What will the training involve?

During the training session, we will:

  • Introduce you to the project.
  • Support you in learning all of the surveying techniques.
  • Provide you with the equipment you need to carry out the surveying.
  • Introduce you to the other volunteer surveyors in the team.


The training will be delivered both indoors and outdoors.  The indoor session will include a presentation and explanation of how to collect survey data; the outdoor session will be practical and will allow you to practice collecting all of the measurements in your group with our support and guidance on hand.

Training will take place on 5th June 2024 (plus an additional date tbc) at Camden Town Hall, 5 Judd Street, London, WC1H 9JE

How to join our surveying team:

Register your place at one of our training days by emailing [email protected]

We will email you full details about the training day in late May.


We look forward to meeting you!

The CamBIUM Project Team

Tavistock Square
Tavistock Square, London Borough of Camden