What is in place today?

You cannot manage what you have not measured.

Taking stock of your urban forest and the benefits your trees are providing, is the first step to ensuring they are sustainable into the future.

Take a look at our services below to see if they could help you take this first step.

Tree and Woodland Carbon Audit
We use a variety of methods to calculate the carbon storage and sequestration potential of your trees and woodlands. Using carbon lookup tables, we can help you with species selection, and can advise on the required levels of new tree planting to help you reach breakeven points for carbon leakage...
Urban Forest Asset Valuation
This study encompasses all of the trees within your urban forest, both public and private. We gather structural data without the need for an existing inventory. Using GIS, we randomly distribute sample plots across the area, surveying these for tree cover, land use, and more. We then measure the ecosystem...
Tree Asset Valuation
This report utilises your existing tree inventory to measure the many ecosystem services that your trees are already providing. Having an evidence-based understanding of the value of your trees enables informed and strategic management decisions to be made....
Tree Diversity Report
There are many factors which can be considered, when looking at diversity within a tree population, including: age class, species, size, genetic type, and environmental benefit provision. A tree diversity report looks at each of these and provides recommendations on strategic interventions which might improve diversity within the population. The...
Tree Canopy Cover Survey
This is a good place to start when considering the long-term management of your urban forest. Knowing your percentage canopy cover, and its distribution, provides an evidence base with which to plan future tree planting and develop strategic management plans....