Tree Asset Valuation

Understanding the value of the trees in your care is vital when it comes to managing your urban forest. Our Tree Asset Valuation reports quantify and highlight the ecosystem services provided by your trees.

These include:

  • pollution removal
  • avoided stormwater run-off
  • carbon sequestration and storage


Our reports also give detailed information on species composition, and pest and disease resilience.

Our reports are locally specific; they show the real benefits of these natural assets to the local communities in which they are planted.

Commission us to produce a Tree Asset Valuation, and we will help you to unlock the value and benefits of your trees. We will either analyse your existing tree inventory or, if you don’t have an inventory, our team can carry out fieldwork or remote sensing (using Lidar) on your behalf.

Having an evidence-based understanding of your trees can help you to make informed and strategic management decisions. It elevates the importance of your trees and provides you with an advocacy tool for maintaining or increasing budgets.

A Tree Asset Valuation provides a robust evaluation of your tree stock, including:

We were very pleased with the results. For the first time we are now able to take relative tree benefits into account when making decisions.

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