Tree and Woodland Carbon Audit

Quantifying carbon storage in trees and woodlands offers a multitude of benefits, especially in the context of addressing climate change and promoting sustainable land-management practices.

We employ a variety of methods to calculate and forecast the carbon storage and sequestration potential, both of your existing trees and woodlands, and for planned tree planting and woodland creation projects.

A Tree and Woodland Carbon Audit can:

  • improve species selection
  • identify the required levels of tree planting to reach breakeven points for carbon leakage
  • advise on the necessary levels of woodland creation to help you reach your net zero goals

Tree and Woodland Carbon Audits can help you with:

Climate Change Mitigation

Trees play a vital role in sequestering carbon dioxide. Accurately quantifying the amount of carbon stored in trees helps us understand their contribution to offsetting carbon emissions and mitigating the effects of climate change.

Carbon Accounting

Quantifying carbon storage in trees provides a way to measure and account for carbon sequestration efforts, aiding the development of effective carbon-reduction strategies and calculating breakeven points for the carbon leakage associated with new developments.

Supporting Conservation Efforts

Accurate carbon quantification can help identify areas with high carbon storage potential, guiding conservation efforts to protect and restore forests that have a significant impact on carbon sequestration. This also contributes to biodiversity conservation and ecosystem resilience.

Forest Management

Forestry professionals can use carbon quantification to make informed decisions about land management practices. Understanding the carbon storage capacity of different tree species and ecosystems assists in sustainable forestry planning and aids in choosing suitable species for reforestation and afforestation projects.

Economic Benefits

Trees with high carbon storage potential can be viewed as valuable assets in carbon markets or offset programmes. Landowners, communities, and businesses can potentially generate income by participating in carbon trading or offset initiatives based on their efforts to enhance carbon sequestration.

Education and Awareness Building

Quantifying carbon storage and sequestration in trees can serve as an educational tool, raising awareness about the importance of forests in carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation. It helps people understand the tangible benefits of preserving and restoring forests.

Research and Policy Development

Accurate carbon quantification data provides valuable insights into the relationship between forest ecosystems and carbon storage. This knowledge informs the development of effective policies and strategies aimed at sustainable land use and carbon management.

Informed Land Use Decisions

Local governments and land planners can make more informed decisions about urban development, agriculture and infrastructure projects by considering the carbon storage potential of existing trees and vegetation. Quantifying carbon storage in trees is therefore essential not only for understanding the role of trees and woodlands in mitigating climate change, but also for guiding informed decision-making at various levels – from individual landowners to global policymakers.

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We’re here, let’s talk!

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