Please find below, a copy of the presentation for you to download:

Finding Your Way Through the Urban Forest – by Kenton Rogers, Treeconomics


Here are some photos that we captured from the day!


Here are some articles you may find useful:

Sustainable Management of the Urban Forest – ICF Trees Magazine

Arboretum Towns – Essential Arb Magazine

What is the Urban Forest and why is it important? – An Axe To Grind Magazine


For those who would like to find out more about our services, please visit the following pages:

Tree Planting Strategies

Urban Forest Master Plans

Urban Forest Audits


To see some example reports, please visit:

Belfast Tree Strategy

Birmingham Urban Forest Master Plan


If you have any further questions, or would like to get in touch to see how Treeconomics can help, we’d love to hear from you. Please visit our website and fill out a contact form, or call us on 01392 249170.