Tree Canopy Cover Survey

This is a good place to start when considering the long-term management of your urban forest. Knowing your percentage canopy cover and its distribution, provides an evidence base with which to plan future tree planting and develop strategic management plans.

A Tree Canopy Cover Survey is a simple method of measuring the urban forest and can be the first step towards the strategic management of this important resource. It calculates the percentage tree canopy cover of an area as a simple measure of the extent of the urban forest and the magnitude of services it provides.


The first step in this process is to understand what your canopy cover is right now.

  • How much canopy cover do you have?
  • How is it distributed?
  • Where should tree planting be targeted?
  • What should your canopy goals be?


Treeconomics can help you to answer these questions by carrying out a Tree Canopy Cover Survey of your area. We offer a range of services, from a basic i-Tree Canopy Cover Survey, to advanced GIS spatial analytics.

A Tree Canopy Cover Survey:

Treeconomics has provided the evidence we needed for our local plan and other policies. The ward canopy figures have been invaluable when speaking to councillors about trees.

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We’re here, let’s talk!

Are you interested in how a  Tree Canopy Cover Survey can help you manage your urban forest?

Contact us today.