Tree Establishment Strategy

A full tree establishment strategy provides a vision for the urban forest, which is shared by all those involved in its management. It sets out clear aims and objectives, which can help achieve sustainability and resilience for your trees. Every urban forest is different and is subject to different growing conditions. A good tree establishment strategy takes account of these and ensures that tree planting is focused not only on local priorities, but also on environmental conditions.

A Tree Establishment Strategy shows:

A Tree Establishment Strategy can help you to maximise ecosystem service delivery in your area, minimise the potential impacts of pests and diseases, and even mitigate the effects of climate change. Our reports can cover both hard and soft landscapes, and incorporate both public and private land. We can include hard surfaces, buildings, transport infrastructure and water sources, as designated by Ordnance Survey mapping. Results can then be presented taking into account relevant land ownership or departmental control.

Included in a Tree Establishment Strategy is a full canopy survey of your area. Tree canopy cover is a good place to start when thinking about the long-term development of the urban forest. Knowing what percentage cover you have, provides an evidence base with which to set targets for the future.

Community consultation is a key part of building a Tree Establishment Strategy, and we can guide you through this process.

We can also offer recommendations to improve species diversity; this is important in order to ensure that the new urban landscape is both resilient and sustainable for future generations.

This is going to be incredibly helpful... using data like this will replace the 'throwing darts at a map' technique; it shows directly where to target tree planting.

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We’re here, let’s talk!

Are you interested in how a  Tree Canopy Cover Survey can help you manage your urban forest?

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