Strategies to improve urban forests

Take a strategic look at your urban forest. 

Define clear aims and objectives, together with stakeholders, to help achieve sustainability and resilience for your trees.

Our services below all take a slightly different approach. Talk to us about which one might be appropriate for your urban forest.

Tree and Woodland Strategy
A Tree and Woodland Strategy is a comprehensive policy framework, outlining the actions required by governments, organisations, and communities, to protect and enhance their local treescapes. Integrating with existing local and national policies, to inform the actions of local stakeholders, ensuring the resources allocated to tree care, management and establishment...
Tree Establishment Strategy
A full tree planting strategy provides a vision for the urban forest, which is shared by all those involved in its management. It sets out clear aims and objectives, which can help achieve sustainability and resilience for your trees. Every urban forest is different and is subject to different growing...
Tree Planting Opportunity Map
We use GIS to produce an Opportunity Map showing hotspots for new tree planting in your area. These are typically areas with low tree canopy cover, high levels of social deprivation, increased air pollution and an increased risk of flooding. We work with you to generate detailed maps, which highlight...