Tree and Woodland Strategy

A Tree and Woodland Strategy is a comprehensive policy framework, outlining the actions required by governments, organisations and communities, to protect and enhance their local treescapes. It integrates with other local and national policies, such as those associated with planning, biodiversity, net zero and sustainable development goals. It informs the actions of local stakeholders, ensuring the resources allocated to tree care, management and establishment have the maximum benefits.

A Tree and Woodland Strategy brings existing policies, plans, guidelines and frameworks under one umbrella, offering a comprehensive guide to tree and woodland management. It can help you to work towards creating treescapes that are greener, healthier, and more resilient to the threats posed by pests, disease and climate change.

A Tree and Woodland Strategy can help you to:

We can work with you to devise a Tree and Woodland Strategy for your town or city. A good Strategy will conserve natural resources, help to mitigate climate change, enhance biodiversity, and improve the quality of life for the people who live, work and visit your region. We can also provide ongoing consultation and assistance to help you ensure your Strategy is successfully implemented. As it evolves, we can help you to modify and develop it, giving it the best chance of success.

A well-managed treescape will conserve the vital benefits that trees and woodlands provide for both current and future generations.

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Are you interested in how a  Tree Canopy Cover Survey can help you manage your urban forest?

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